Friday 1 November 2013

Characters within a background.

Some basic ideas of what an interior & exterior could possibly look like...

The exterior is relatively simple using mainly blue/grey tones & inked, with the boats only being inked in similar shape & style to one of Bentley's drawings. 
In contrast to greyish tones the character's clothes & details are brighter in yellow & orange to make it clear he is the focus of the scene!
Definitely think this would work best if this style was Photoshopped once painted to increase the texture & contrast between the colours!

The interior I attempted to use a more blacked out, filled style but again using watercolour to add a sense of texture. The character's again in brighter colours to draw the attention to the character's in the frame. Bentley doesn't use a light source in his illustrations but I personally think it would work well in an image like the one below.

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