Monday 4 November 2013

Character Development - Colour

Having sketched my character in a more pin up stylised way, colour experimentation needed to come next... Trying to keep it minimal I used only two or three colours, as well as in order to keep the focus on her  & not the background. But I also needed to consider how I would animate the character, so the process of colouring couldn't be too lengthy...

I have experimented with...;
Watercolour & acryllic painting.
Digital block colour.
Using water colour texture.
Using acrylic texture.
Use of shadow.
Using block colour.
Not using outlines.

In keeping with the style I think a textured version is required to keep it slightly more traditional looking & add different tones of colour & depth to the character. Personally I prefer the details with the shadows, however this is obviously a longer process. So although I intend to take it through the concept process, it may be dropped when animating... 
Once backgrounds have been completed, experimenting with which paint style works as an overlay will lead me to decide whether watercolour or acrylic textures work more effectively.

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