Thursday 23 May 2013

3D Modelling

The modelling was the area of the project I was most concerned about due to inexperience within Mudbox, but I also enjoyed this project more!

After simply modelling a cube in Maya & adding subdivisions, I was able to create the basic shape of
my rock. Transferring this basic model to Mudbox, I sculpted it further using my photograph as reference. I found this stage of the process most enjoyable, but also the most frustrating. Once I'd begun the modelling & sculpting process I found it difficult to stop. I enjoyed creating the details, but found when changing & editing one area another would inadvertently change. So I had to stop myself from 'overworking' the piece. Once I was happy with the shape created, I painted my image onto the model - attempting to avoid blurring - & then created a bump map to add texture.

The final product was relatively successful in my opinion, but doesn't look exactly like my original reference image. I would have liked to have reference images from all angles of my chosen object, but the situation in which I took it mean that it wasn't possible. After completing this project I think modelling & texturing would be something I'd like to experiment with further.

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