Thursday 23 May 2013

3D Modelling Adaptation

As someone who doesn't predominantly work in 3D, I was under the impression this project would be more difficult & less enjoyable than anticipated.

The adaptation process, once started, was relatively simple. I found the most difficult part of the process adding the images to the planes & creating the transparency, due to the amount of steps. But once I'd done this several times, the process was engrained in my mind.

Sculpting the layers was more simplistic, but I found when I began I didn't create enough divisions, meaning I was limited to the amount of detail I could create. I also struggled with the idea of the progression camera, as I was frequently unable to see certain details. When attempting to adjust the frames in order to make details visible, the sculpting was often affected.

I don't think the the image I'd chosen was particularly well adapted to 3D due to the relatively small details of the foliage in one of the layers, as I was unable to sculpt them 'deeply' to give a more 3D effect. If I was to this piece again I'd also separate the mountainous areas to create more of a sense of depth.

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