Thursday 24 October 2013

Pre Production - Character Workshop.

Some examples of work produced within the character design workshop!

Top few sketches are based on the idea of trying to design a character & it's shape using circles. Or more accurately spheres, as this implies a sense of three dimensional shape. Although the 'spheres' can encompass ovals & stretched out, squished, curved shapes as well...

Another prominent idea is that the character's shape can be, or should be, a line of action. For example the egg like shape that would be created when a character brings there knees toward their chest as they curl up. Although this isn't something I've quite mastered yet... but as something I've not really considered before it is a very useless hint for developed accurate & defined squash & stretch, as well as more dramatic, exaggerated movements which animated character's are known for!

The second sketches were just playing around with a crocodile character based on a brief description.

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