Thursday 24 October 2013

Nicholas Bentley

For another part of my pre production module, developing a style for animation was the starting point of a 'project'. Similarly to creating an animatic based on key words were the starting point of 'Push The Envelope'.

In my lucky dip of hint cards this round were... Nicholas Bentley (the illustrator), Falmouth Docks (the where), children's feature film (the genre) & hat/cap (character detail).

So I am to create a simple & rough storyline for this idea & develop a style to animate & design this film in!

These images are some of my favourite of Nicholas Bentley's.

The main details I've picked up from his work are;
- Little to no shading, or use of a light source.
- Relatively flat images.
     - Minimal amount of colour & texture used.
     - Mainly basic line drawings.

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