Thursday 20 February 2014

Pre Production - Anti Gravity Concepts & Ideas.

So, the pre production project this semester is again about developing about ideas & a production bible.

An initial starting point was the idea of anti gravity. So to the left is a little brain storm... first about anti gravity & then a 'what if'...?! I went for 'what if you woke up & your world was turned upside down...?!?!' Literally, not figuratively. You woke up & literally your bedroom was upside & you were face first on your ceiling...
I did a little storyboard based on this idea. A guy wakes up, pretty oblivious to the situation of his upside down world at first & then lo & behold he is in a heap on his ceiling floor...
After realising what on earth has happened, panic & shock horror ensues. Leading to comedic running around in confusion, hanging from swinging curtains & holding onto to walls horrified...

Brief character sketch/concept... barely developed...

& below is a brief concept of an anti gravity idea of people living in tree houses & in trees as they are able to walk up trees & hang from branches with ease. Ideal frankly!!

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