Wednesday 12 February 2014

New Project - Deep!!

So this semester we are working on the film Deep, created by very own course leader Derek Hayes.
As a film with the concept of celebrating physical film - the long spools of plastic which are practically non existent now - it's pretty exciting to work on, particularly to the massive array of interesting styles within each section of the film.

My role at the moment is to work on the backgrounds - a store room & corridor - in the scene with a 101 Dalmations inspired style to it. Which I'm excited to take further & I think will be a challenge for me! Especially as part of this will require modelling in 3D as details, such as the door, need to move. So this would be easier to created in 3D.

So I've researched the 101 Dalmations interiors for a bit of inspiration & looked at the artists Walt Peregoy & Ernie Nordli. & I will obviously also watch the film to gain more inspiration & insight!! (Watching films as research... love.)

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