Monday 25 February 2013

Life Drawing

These are examples of a life drawing session at the beginning of the second semester.   

I think they show some signs of improvement to drawings from previous sessions. For example I think my sense & understanding of foreshortening has improved visible in the life drawing to the left where the knee is coming forward & the foot is resting against the other foot.

The image below is an example of a slightly longer pose, I think I captured the feel of the pose - with errors at first in the proportions - but overall I think it appears fairly accurate in it's proportions. The area I mainly struggle with regarding sizing is the size of the head as I tend to draw it too large & have to correct this area. 

Attempting to add some detail of the muscle tone & the lighting in the image I find helps to loosen my drawings slightly - as I have the tendency to draw very cleanly & tightly.                                            

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