Tuesday 19 February 2013

Animation Backgrounds - Lady & The Tramp

After looking through a variety of image on the animation backgrounds blog my favourite of the backgrounds were from Disney's Lady & the Tramp.

I think the use of lighting in these backgrounds are incredibly effective in creating the mood & atmosphere within the scenes. The first image creates the impression that the outside is unwelcoming due to the dark lighting & muted tones, the warm brighter tones of the door way imply that the interior of the home is inviting & safe. The third image evokes a cold atmosphere due to the black & grey tones & the use of silhouettes creating hard lines in the foreground.

The use or view of the camera in these backgrounds are interesting as they often appear to be looking over objects - such as fences - or from above constituting the idea that there is someone watching the scene or that they're moving over these objects.

The first three backgrounds contrast the fourth in its use of colour, the first three use darker muted tones implying the cold, unfriendliness of the outside. The use of blues creating a sense of sadness & loneliness of the outside. The fourth image shows the nature & exterior in a different light, using a range of colours using a palette of mainly pinks & greens implying a warmth & open atmosphere.

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