Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Pro Markers & Tanned Paper... New Love...

Experimenting with pro markers & gel pens on top of toned paper...
Much fun.

Character Ideas.

Random character's I've sketched in spare minutes & times of procrastination...

Underworld - Kitchen & Lounge.

The lounge & kitchen with a sense of perspective... although I think I need to work on this as I always seem to draw the rooms as though the camera is looking from above in the room...
However I think the gothic interior style works well & keeps continuity in the downstairs of the building.

Underworld - Background Colour Experiments...

Yet more colour experiments... but the backgrounds this time!

Digital colour - I quite like this look as I think it works due to the block shapes & lack of curves for the most part, but I do think it would look better with the use of textures & possibly no line details...

Hand done colours.
Pro marker is the favourite due to the bolder colours but still maintaining texture.
Top; watercolour & ink.
Bottom; Pro marker, ink & gel pen.

Underworld - Character Colour...

Character colour experiments yet again, still unsure as to how to add colour to the characters... so more experiments & more to come...

Left: Watercolour,
Right: Pro marker & gel pen.

Digital colour & texture.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Procrastination... At least creatively...

What I want to be doing...

Underworld - Initial Concept Designs...

Concept & character drawings for the concept art to come later... 

Bad sister attacking the poor little brother...

Daddy Charon trying to have a poo & being interrupted...

& the three headed pet bunny eating last night's leftovers...

Deep - Store Room Shot!

Store room perspective which is finally correct! Woo!
Also with some shelves in to use as reference in the background design.

Waiting Room Drawings...

I got bored waiting so did some doodles...

& played with my pro markers...

Underworld - Room Layouts...

Room layouts for the family house... well just the downstairs so far... with gothic inspiration & references...

Here we have the living room...

The kitchen...

The bathroom....

The hallway...

Monday, 21 April 2014

Judas and Jesus

Interesting animation I discovered recently with the aid of my flatmate... 
Possibly don't watch if you're of a nervous disposition.

Underworld - Expression Sheets.

Initial expression sheets for all four characters! Conveying what I hope to be a variety of emotions & facial expressions...

Leucia the Siren mamma.

Charon the pappa.

& Xander the son.

Underworld - Secondary Characters.

After a pre production seminar it was mentioned that I needed to consider secondary characters... as generally sitcoms have more than just the family. I had already thought about them briefly but have now created a few concepts for some secondary characters!

Top left; Xander's girlfriend (currently nameless).
& the next door neighbours... based on Greek mythological creatures the Satyr & Empousa.
Also nameless. Let's just assume that all these character's have no names as of yet...

Bottom left; Leucia (the Siren's) boss man. Like a sea pimp.
Bottom right: the maid, an old lady human.
Top: Persephone, the disliked Auntie.

Underworld - Initial Character Turnarounds.

Initial characters for the other three members of the family! Only rough & initial as I'm aware some adaptations may need to be made regarding animating & the style. Also I am aware that one side of them is armless... just to show shape & detail etc they're not just a one armed family...

Charon - the Papa destined to take people across the River Styx.

Xander - the younger son in training to be a minion of Hades.
Last pose is a liiiittle bit off weight wise, take two!

Leucia - a Siren, in love with her job.

All will need to be neatened up & coloured & inked in such anyway...

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Crocodile Tears - Inbetweening & Clean Up!

In addition to doing clean up & colour for the third year project Crocodile Tears I also did inbetweening for some shots.
The shot above was the main shot I inbetweened which I struggled with initially as although I obviously can go from kneeling to standing I am not a crocodile... so I struggled to think of the timing etc for the shot. But forgetting that the character is a crocodile I worked on the timing by acting out the movement & working out the faster & slower details of the animation.
I also completed the clean up on this piece. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Deep - Storeroom Model & Perspectives.

Experimenting with perspectives for the store room shot! Trying to get the perspective right to see the character walk through the door without having the light bulb & solar system over the top...

The original perspective from the storyboard.

Underworld - Background Inspiration.

References & inspiration for backgrounds for the Underworld sitcom, particularly the interior cave type background & Charon's boat mooring.

All from my Pinterest! Username: LauraLifts92

Underworld - Character Colour.

Water colour with fine liner hatching similarly to the backgrounds so as not to juxtapose the style too much...