Thursday 20 March 2014

Underworld Initial Character Designs.

Initial complete character designs for the Underworld sitcom concept!
Went for a long limbed style, with exaggeration of feature such as the waist, forearms & hip size, with slightly pointy, sharp details such as the elbows & calves. 

The daughter, a Gorgon (above) is a seductive, character who thinks a lot of herself. Somewhat of a narcissist with power issues due to her ability to turn people to stone at her will...
A slightly troublesome, goth teen with too much power in her hands...

The mother, a siren (below) although sexual in her occupation, confident & seductive when luring men onto the rocks... She is motherly & sweet, enjoying bringing home a fresh seaman's arm or leg for her children's dinner, although often comes of as glazed toward her husband. Although sweet, her motherly nature also comes in the form of reprimanding her kids, sometimes snapping at their bad behaviour.
Though in moments of anger & in patience her fins splay out uncontrollably.

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