Friday 14 March 2014

Photography Taster - The Dark Room!

I have been MIA recently due to many a reason, so I apologise for my absence! (to the many people I'm sure missed my presence...)
Part of that is due to me participating in a photography taster week!
I studied photography at A Level & was incredibly passionate about it, but recently I seemed to have lost my connection with it... & also lack in the time.
So I signed up to improve my initial skills & get myself back into it, as well as doing something a little differently creative in a hope to gain some inspiration & motivation.

I adore the dark room & using film cameras, watching your own image appear in front of you is an amazing experience!
The film brief was to look at architecture & textures within Falmouth, which was generally interesting just to explore Falmouth in a different way.
Then the process of developing the film, test strips, contact sheets, choosing images, test strips & a final image occurs.

One of the images I chose was particularly interesting to produce as for some reason the shift of focus (& the depth of field) within the photograph was able to be changed using the enlarger - not something that usually happens - so I was able to play around with this!

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