Thursday 5 December 2013

PPB - Final Turnarounds!!

After drawing the female turnaround three times... & the male character twice...
Two sets of reference photographs & what felt like about 10,000 layers in Photoshop...
These are the final turnarounds which were submitted for the bible.

I think in the end the sense of weight & balance is a lot better!!
Which was my main issue. The character look unbalanced & almost as if they were just clothes with a head on top... not a great look.
The most valuable thing I learned, applying this from life drawing, is to look at the angle of the hips!
If the character is standing from the front with the weight on one leg, the hips aren't going to be straight!
Seems like an obvious statement really, but it is something I didn't pick up on straight away!
I've begun to start drawing 'stick' figures, with the hip line & shoulder line being the most important detail to ensure I understand the pose better.

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