Thursday 5 December 2013

11 Seconds Club - Character & Setting Design.

After deciding I wanted to animate an animal as oppose to a human for a little bit of a challenge...
I had to decide on whether to add colour etc to my little pigeons.

I think the amount of colour & detail will definitely depend on how the animating stage goes & when evaluating the time scale once I've started the process... Especially as I have little experience with animating in Flash. & lip syncing... I think the performance is the main thing I'd like to get spot on as I haven't animated in a fair amount of time. 

So, I played with using a very simplistic colour palette. Consisting of grey. & white.
Just to break up the character's & add a little more depth to them.

Though I think it looks a little odd in the background, it makes things look like they are different planes. So I'll have to work on that one further...

Then I played with adding basic colours in relatively muted tones & a little shadow. 
Experimenting further with the background than the characters.

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