Thursday 8 November 2012

Observing People

The second drawing project involved watching and observing people around me, doing quick drawings and sketches before they moved in an attempt to capture the pose. The second part of the brief was to draw animal heads to fit in with the pose.

Due to the quick poses, I mainly drew simplistic line drawings looking mainly at the shape of the pose and looking at detail and creases within clothing. This page is an example of mainly seated poses, giving me the opportunity to look in a little more detail.

I added the animal heads after completing the observational drawings, using references, choosing the animal to coincide with the characters of the people I was drawing.

In order to improve I think I need to look at exploring light and dark more, looking at shading as opposed to just creating life drawings. However I think this will apply more when looking at longer poses or when having more time to capture an image.

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