Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Reel - Jewellery Designs

In addition to mask designs, I've also designed tribal jewellery with details from each mask designs to coincide with which character each piece will go on.
These will later be modelled & I will be experimenting with texturing these on the characters to see how the models look with extra detail.
I will also be texturing the masks model in addition to the jewellery.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

The Reel - Further Concept Art

Examples of mask designs for the characters in the jungle scene for the reel.
I researched a variety of tribal masks & body art/face paint for references, which are all on my Pinterest, which I then combined & developed in different shaped masks.
I received some feedback that some of the colours need to be less rich & bold - less primary - & therefore more pastel tones of colour.
I also experimented with skin colour for them to choose from repeating for each colour, allowing them to choose skin tone for each character.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


I'm predominantly producing this year, so here are some examples of production schedules for the project 'Bottle' including Gantt charts & task breakdowns etc. 
I'm also producing on Illusion of Chaos - which is a massive challenge for me as it's a 3D project & therefore I have less understanding of the process so it's a learning curve for myself as well as being very interesting - & co-producing on The Long Way Down, another 2D short film.

Monday, 13 October 2014

The Reel - Concept Art

For the third year projects I'm predominantly working as a producer & co-producer on projects, as well as currently working as a writer on a selection of projects.
But I've also begun to explore concept art for different projects, mainly 3D in these first few weeks.

The designs below are concept pieces for The Reel's jungle scene, based predominantly of references from Cambodian jungles & ruins, which may be used as reference for some for the assets in the jungle scene.