Saturday 10 May 2014

Underworld - Ready To Be Judged?

Part of Greek mythology - particularly in relation to the Underworld is to do with beliefs of the Afterlife!
So as part of the concept art for this animation I designed the different areas of the Underworld... & the process of how you get there!

The elevator ride down from the mortal surface & world into the Underworld...

Cafe Morte... the waiting room of the Underworld. Purgatory, waiting for Charon to take you to be judged..

The Elysian Fields! Where the good souls go & the countryside of the Underworld, undamaged.

The Fields of Punishment, now the sweat shops & factories of the Underworld.
Built on by its dwellers.

& Tartarus, the flamey horrible painful part of the Underworld at the centre of the Earth for the worst of souls...

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