Thursday 6 December 2012

Character Development

These images show the progression and development of the character basis for the Kley drawing project. My starting point was a drawing I did previously based on a ballerina, attempting to explore shade further, in particularly looking at muscle tone.

Originally using the classic style of shading and filling the whole character with shadow, after looking at Kley's work I experimented with using line to create shadow and definition, using the technique of cross hatching.  Again I looked at the physique and pose of a naked ballerina as it enabled me to explore muscle tone further, looking at how definition creates shadows - particularly evident in the arms and legs of the models. This technique creates less contrast and definition, but I think the use of line adds more detail and a sense of delicacy to the draw, particularly in addition to the ballerina's pose. So I decided to explore this idea further, but I think proportions are slightly incorrect again as the feet appear slightly too small.

In development I looked specifically at photographer Guido Argentini for the basis of my drawings. He is known for his photography of naked women. I chose to look at his collection of photographs Silvereye, in which he paints his models silver and photographs them in a variety of athletic and interesting positions. I chose to look at his images in particularly due to the females athletic and muscular physiques - though appearing still dainty with their pointed toes, flexibility and long hair. The use of silver paint also creates stronger contrast in the photographs, highlighting muscle tone and shadow more definitely.

I think the drawing of the female at the top (clutching her carves and bending toward the floor) uses too much shadow in the cross hatching across the back and needs to be toned down. The bottom image is preferred due to the capturing of the pose and the detail and shadow in her hair. I intend to explore Argentini's photographs further in combination with cross hatching.

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