I was originally going to pitch the short animated film Desire Me, Desire Me Not an adaptation of a Brighton student's (Emma Harrison) short live action film. But after deciding I'd rather not focus on creating a short film & instead concentrate on producing & the possible production bible, I decided not to pitch the short film.
But it was the story of the girl who is rescued by her prince when she falls off her bike, as a thank you she gives him her flower & smudges her whiskers.
Their life ensues. Moving in, marriage & she three whiskers become two, her ears slip & tail loses it's life.
She's putting her bun in the oven when her tail gets caught in the door.
Ripping it off.
Devastated she goes to find a sewing kit to reattach her tail. & finds something.
Upset, rejected - she doesn't look like them anymore.
Devastated she attacks herself attempting to sew on her tail, blood seeping, tears flowing.
A heap on the floor, he comes in.
Disgusted & repulsed at her - tail off, ears damaged & whiskers barely there, he leaves her.
So she wipes away her cat. Revealing herself.