Thursday 7 March 2013

Animation Backgrounds - Layout

I chose to base my animation background adaptation on one of Nathan Aardvark's illustrations, looking at a natural yet surreal world.   Looking at the main details - & my favourite details - of the layers of foreground & background in Aardvark's illustrations, I exaggerated & repeated the forms in order to created separate layers. For example in the foreground I used a collection of mushrooms & fungi in order to create the layer. The layer behind that incorporated the plants & more surreal details in the swirly patterned & shapes plants & flowers. The background layers consist of more simply mountainous regions & a cloud/sky layer.

I created a hand drawn version on tracing paper to give me some kind of idea & concept of how the layers would look like once incorporated - though some layers aren't quite visible.

The image to the left is the layers together in Photoshop. I think the layers work effectively together but it appears slightly busy on the right hand side, so I may need to take out some details. Probably the flower above the mushroom on the right, as most of the flower is lost anyway.

The next stage will be refining the line art & then thinking about a colour scheme for the layout. Taking into consideration the light source & how areas will be illuminated & in shadow.

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